Thursday, July 16, 2020

Haviva von Martinitz

3:32 PM 
to Richard.Isaacs
Dr. Issacs,
If there is a certain wait period to be a friend of a doctor, it isn't fair, or kind, to not have all the people involved not know about it. I have never read that it must be a secret, especially after 5 YEARS of being restricted from him (Dr. Lukaszewicz) and under a FALSE restraining order, no less! All the secrecy has done nothing helpful! Even the AMA has NO guidelines! It is always purely that the patient drops the doctor and waits 3-6 months, possibly more, but that is what I have read about. I could get NO ONE at Kaiser to tell me, or the AMA! But, Tuesday, when I asked to leave a message for him in Gen Surgery, I was taunted by the employees saying it wasn't over (the legal matter, but it was) and that that the attorney would be contacted. Mr. Guasco, if he is still active with this, from my own observations of him, could not be trusted to tell the truth, if his own life were at stake! I waited 5 years to speak with Dr. Lukaszewicz, how can I STILL be restrained from speaking with him?  This isn't a game, or magic tricks, it is my life and his! This a time when life is at a premium and is precious! I want to know him as my friend as long as possible! This is just cruelty! Could you please ask him that if he still wants to be my friend, to please grant it? It will make me stop seeking legal help and having legal contact with the DA's office.  I will abide by whatever Dr. Lukaszewicz says and it will certainly help to keep me safe at Kaiser. It is wrong to keep information a secret, that does not even follow American law structure. I have done all possible to follow the false law, even when I was so worried about Dr. Lukaszewicz's safety. If there are rules, make them known and don't allow people to torture the person waiting! That is not fair! This isn't a TV show like, Game of Thrones, even though my ancestors are mentioned in it. They ruled/owned most of Cz and my relative was Prime Minister of Austria. they were 125 in line for the British throne, back in the 1980's; I don't know what it is now. I am saying all of this to point out that my story could get a lot of interest because of my family connections and could cause a lot of blow back to Kaiser, because of it. I have been away from him for 5 years, wars have been fought and ended, families started and multiplied in that amount of time! It is longer than a presidential term!
I have been so abused! If I am to "toe the line", for something the AMA barely gives 2 hoots about, would you please create a special dispensation in this case and declare the wait period to become a friend of a doctor, now over? If I had to follow rules, why did not Mr. Guasco? If it were a contract, he would have violated it MANY times over! He screamed in my face, stuck me with a babysitter attorney who also yelled at me and told the judge I was crazy! She berated me until I fainted! And although Dr. Lukaszewicz basically refuted the R.O. on the stand, I was sent to jail for 5 days, but served 3. I was horrified! Now, Dr. Moayeri, who not only created a false restraining order, but recently had me tortured by a colleague, with savage, brutal treatment and has me wondering if I can go back for further treatment for possible breast cancer! A person should NOT have to fight for their life, to become a friend of a doctor! It isn't right, humane, or ethical! Mr. Guasco, etc; violated every law of the Legal System and the Justice system and of compassion and decency! Moral and ethical decency seems to mean nothing to your staff, but I must play dodge ball with their cruel and deathly attacks and if I manage to live, may be a friend of my doctor? I deserve to have it dropped and deemed finished now. Please put that word out. I will feel better about not making my (valid) complaints against the ones who hurt me. I am tired and in agony; it is like college hazing that caused a death. It is absurd and insane to go this far! FIVE YEARS! I would have merely waited a decent wait period, but this was draconian torture! It has made me worry unnecessarily and spend money I did not have and have my driver's license not renewed because I was given a complaint against me to the police, sent to my old address, causing me to get a warrant and the DMV will not give me a renewal to me because of it. I have been abused in nearly every part of my life by Mr. Guasco and Marija M. Petrovic! Any of that should have ended a wait period! Mr. Guasco did terrible things to me! 
Please end any wait period now! Even the AMA has no guidelines about it! Guasco's behavior, etc; would certainly have invalidated a contract, or anything else! If Dr. Lukaszewicz agrees still to be my friend; we deserve to be friends now!  I could have cancer, that could shorten my life, please be reasonable!
Thank you, be safe.
Cheryl Petrovich

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