Sunday, July 26, 2020

I took my dog out shortly before darkness. By the time we turned around, the very wet fog had rolled in and gave the walk back a dramatic and eerie feel. It was rather romantic and made me wish I had a hand to hold and a lovely warm hug to end the stroll. I found a ripe strawberry in a big pot of mine that was my delicious evening sweet. I am trying to train the strawberry runners to go through the fence, so the strawberries will take hold in the "Common Area." When I think of strawberry "runners" my mind always turns to Sylvia Plath. I stop my mind from going too far into her story than that. Might as well stay upbeat.
But, I always think of you and miss you. It always makes my face somewhat warm and moist. It is nice actually.
They are making Povitica on BBing show. I made it only once, but it was great! I had an antique square table that I could use for baking projects. I made the apple strudel on that table too. It was magnificent! That would be a fun (yummy) project! 

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