Friday, July 31, 2020

I enjoy being near you and I care deeply about you, what is the crime in that? People just bug the shit out of me! They are nothing but evil to say terrible things about others and smear their names! I suppose you must go along with it, that is what you must do, but they are dehumanizing you! They dehumanize, and do criminal acts, and keep you prisoner and when I say you should be free, I get excoriated! How is living the life someone wants and not being locked behind a buzzer door, a bad thing? You could sue K six ways to Sunday for the way you have been treated!
They make people and their lives into a big deal, when I just care about a person.  They really don't care, they worry about money! Well guess what? Money doesn't mean shit to me, except to get food a roof and do a few things to get away to some place beautiful! Those who want bigger and better and lord it over others, make it a big deal! What good is it w/o freedom? I had money and was always terrified it would be stolen! I had a business manager who was wanted by the FBI and had an Irish passport! I think of money as being good to be able to hire an attorney to stop people from treating you like a prisoner, or taking advantage. Had I been wealthy, G would not have been able to jerk me around as much, but then, the people who turned me down for allowing me to hire them, did not know my financial status, but he seems to have far reaching tentacles....he and MP are so underworld, spy-like and subversive. Not even the IRA  people I used to know were as odd as they, but they were brutal. MP and G are more sneaky brutal.  I just despise them.  I hate bullies and liars. If they are like that, they cannot be good people. People who cut off communication and use intimidation are not good people. You know they are keeping someone prisoner when they stop giving phone calls, mail and put in a wall and a buzzer door. They pretend it is to keep you safe, but it is to keep you feeling like a prisoner and afraid.  It is beyond disgusting. What is the point of all the education and dedication, if you cannot enjoy it? I just feel so sad. I know I am nothing great, but I sure loved your sweet eyes and lovely smile. I would dearly love to see both again. 

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