Monday, July 27, 2020

PS. Dr. L's life is in danger from the crazy, desperate people around him who are keeping him prisoner and trying to force him into a situation he may not want. They put him behind a special walled area with a door buzzer meant to only approve entry to certain people and to give him the impression he is in danger! From who? Me? Mr. G has smeared my name everywhere and is saying vile, untrue things about me. Now, the false restraining order has run its course, but G has said to Dr. L's staff and him, that I am not legally able to speak with him. That is not true! He is lying to Dr. L so we cannot compare notes and resolve this. I know what Dr. M's goal is and I have known it from the beginning after Dr. M's friend, MP was hired as a hit man to "get rid" of me! Her line of questions were not subtle. M P did not mind what cruelty, or lies she imposed upon me either! None of this has been for the safety of Dr. L; it has been done for the desires of Dr. M and keeping him from having free will. He is a prisoner. It appears to be nothing less. Why otherwise are they so afraid of allowing me to speak with him? He asked me to be his friend prior to the false restraining order and observed my surgery to keep me safe. Why lie to Dr. L? Why are you allowing Dr. M to keep him lied to and under guard? Not a word of truth have I ever seen fall from the smarmy lips of G. His only motive is to please his real client, Dr. M who wants him as her creation. You don't think it is wrong for her to have me threatened and beaten up under the guise of a medical procedure while Dr. Moon delivered M's message of hate to me? Dr. M clearly has, along with G, been terrorizing him to keep him as a Stockholm Syndrome victim! Have you no decency? No concern for the welfare of Dr. L? I know what is going on! He needs to be free and your attorney Guasco is helping to terrorize him into staying her prisoner and victim! Why do you think he wanted to be my friend? He knew I was someone he could trust to help him! I was harassed, beaten and jailed and under mind control by that Serbian spy Psychiatrist! She says she has gone to Florida, but I still see signs of her here. You need to tell Dr. M and G to stop lying to and intimidating Dr. L! He needs to decide for himself how he wants to live! From indications and from what his local PD said to me, she could very likely be abusing him, what she had done to me by Dr. M and M P support what I was told in regard to her. Your allowing free access to an unethical attorney and law firm, and doing nothing to stop it and remedy it, makes you an accessory! So, if Dr. L dies under the hands of G and M, will you have any regrets, or remorse, or will you remain silent as you are now? It would be the end of your career and likely that of K too. Why, why are you allowing people to be harmed, merely so a mentally unstable surgeon can achieve her dream partner? ASK HIM WHAT HE WANTS! I want nothing but his safety and happiness! People like G and M, P, S, de G helped to put on a show of false restraining order, where I have been terrorized, demonized, vilified, scapegoated, and mentally abused in an attempt to lead to my death, with false mental disorders put into my chart to point to as the cause. The people who have done this to me and who are keeping Dr. L as prisoner, even now and made to think I am a stalker and predator, when the captors who create those lies are the most terrifying monsters! They attacked an innocent patient who was grateful to her kind doctor and developed loyal feelings toward him! They endanger him and keep him from autonomy and freedom! They put him in legal danger by putting his name on a false restraining order! They humiliated him! There was no respect in how he was treated! He spoke up in court and spoke kindly, directly to me and told me my gifts were"very nice and expensive!" That should have ended it. That M M. P was hired to "get rid" of me, should have invalidated it. It was also illegal, because she used her special skills to try and kill me. The proof is that she is Dr. M's friend and on a temporary basis at K. She is gone now. She kicked me out of my online account because I pointed out that Dr. L's mother died at that K right after her official arrival, but she quickly changed her hire date from June to August and to keep me from showing I was at her office in June, she locked me out of my online account, using Dr. K's name. He knew nothing about it, but refused to change it. She had whisper campaigns against me, doctor's refuse to treat me and say odd things to me, or berate me. Dr. M got her(?) money's worth! 

Don't you even wonder about this situation, or just hope it goes away? Maybe that job is too big/much for you! These are CRIMES that have been committed and still going on! Call Dr. L and tell him he is allowed to speak with me now, if he would like! Tear out that absurd buzzer door that is supposed to make him feel like a prisoner! I did nothing to be labeled as a criminal or predator! I am INNOCENT, but no one cares! It is easier to have a scapegoat! Well, the scapegoat was just physically attacked by Dr. Moon! Why would Dr. M do that, unless she felt like Dr. L still wanted to be my friend and that was screwing up her plans for him? Should he be forced to be with her? Is that what you would want for YOUR LIFE? FORCED TO LIVE WITH AN UNSTABLE PERSON WHO WANTS TO HAVE YOU AS HER CREATION AND PUNCHING BAG?  I DOUBT IT! STOP THE CRUELTY! TELL GUASCO TO TELL DR. L THE TRUTH, AND THEN KICK HIS CRIMINAL ASS OUT OF KAISER AND DR. MOAYERI'S TOO, OR AT LEAST GET HER MENTAL HELP! LET DR. L LIVE A FREE LIFE! FOR GOD'S SAKE FREE HIM! IT IS DISGUSTING WHAT HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO GO ON AGAINST ME AND AGAINST HIM! DO IT NOW!


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