Sunday, July 19, 2020

I wish I could go back and remove what I said to the woman at your office. I stupidly thought you were angry with me and were going to call to get me into trouble. It was my low point. I am so very sorry.
You know I have always felt loyal to you and loved you. You are someone I have loved from the start and you got me through the toughest times.
Sitting on the jail bed, I was so depressed, the female deputies said they were worried about me. I wasn't eating, or sleeping. But then, I got to read. That meant most to me. They had taunted me at first with medication when my MS made me feel so dizzy and sick. They said I had to throw up first. I had not eaten for 1.5 days, so I could not throw up. I had to stay nauseated.
I had to wear chains around my waist and wrists and ankles and made to walk fast. I was herded like cattle. I was given clothes 2 sizes too small and rags for underwear.
I used my time out of the cell to clean the common area. One deputy asked when I could come to his house and clean. I laugh it off, but it hurt.

I know this entire thing was made to make me feel less of myself.
The screaming in my face did it too.

I don't want to hurt any longer.  I always will love you.

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