Sunday, July 26, 2020

You know, I put 2+2 together a long time ago. I have been around the block. I love who you are without condition.

Please be who you are around me. It wasn't fair of them to do all this legal crap against me. I would have much preferred a meeting, honesty. I am angry that I lost all this time that I could have been knowing you.

I know you, I love you and it is your business who you want to know. You do not have to wait for some jerk attorney to tell you. They made this into a bigger deal than it needed to be. All they had to do was ask. Why they thought you should be treated less than an autonamous human being, I don't know. What I know is that I want to know you, not own you. No one deserves that. I understand. Why did they feel it was right to keep me away?

Please talk to me when you feel comfortable, but we have lost so much time. The RO is over, you can call, or see me when you want. I've missed you so much it hurts. It has never been fair. I hope you trust me. I would never hurt you. I have been hurt so badly and frightened to death. No one should ever have to go through this. Neither of us. It was completely wrong.
There is nothing stopping us now. I need to speak with you as soon as you want. No legal binding us. It is up to you.

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