Monday, July 27, 2020

Don't mind me, I'm just someone who has been brutalized for five years......every facet of my life invaded, treated like a perv scum, people telling me I have cancer and then attacking me with a terrorizing biopsy session. Just a day in the life....
If you enjoy being abused, that is your business, but it isn't my idea of fun. If she has done it before, she will do it again. Most normal people do not hit an innocent person with a TRO/RO and have that innocent person put into jail. You are living in a deadly insane asylum, work and home. I hope you can escape, but only if you tell the truth. I did not do anything to start this. That was the cruel, crazy woman and her crooked attorney who want to use you and then.....what? Keep you prisoner, until you just can't take it any longer? I have guts, but I am not about to let anyone kill me. If you are upset with me, then you have Stockholm Syndrome. If you don't stand up for me and for yourself, you will end up going to jail for their crimes. Please don't let that happen. You are a victim too.

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