Saturday, July 25, 2020

I know I was pretty upset when I had left those messages. I can only remember a small part, but I know they were full of love and concern. I was also frightened. That deputy who came here said they all knew at his office that the order was over and I was in no legal trouble. I also told the DA's office, no problem there either, but I figure that attorney would love to make it into another court thing. If your partner could be trusted to not create more trouble, I would not file a report. It is just that I went through so much terror.  It is hard for me to do that to anyone, even to someone who deserves it. Up to you, really. She would have to sign something drawn up by an attorney that is legally binding. Also, she should at least apologise. After my intense pain and terror, it would be very difficult. I only want what you want. 

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