Monday, July 20, 2020

They said and did so much to me to beat you out of me, I think it frustrated them. I never saw people do, or say such absurd things to try and make me change my mind. It seems like all my life people have been trying to persuade me into, or out of something. When I know, I know. When I was 5 and the kidnapper was beating me up and sticking a knife in my face, it was like when Dr. Moon was waving the long needle in my face threateningly. It could scare me, but it would never change my feelings. It has been so absurd. Why do people feel they have the right to do that? Also, if they want to hold on to someone, why not be nice to them? That would be my natural thought. Who wants to be treated like crap? You are so easy to love. You have beautiful, warm eyes that invite you in and caress and you never want to leave. Your smile is a mix of friendly and sensual....and a bit mischievous. "You write me a poem each time you smile at me." I truly long to see that again. I find myself holding my breath when I think about you. It makes me feel a bit weak, so it makes more of an impact....a very nice one.

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