Monday, July 20, 2020

I hope you have a wonderful day.
 I know they will never let you see me again. I love you so much I could die.  (Maybe I will anyway.) I mean if this is cancer..... I just don't know what to do.
This last 5 years I hung in there only because of you. It got so hard sometimes I wanted to walk into the ocean. I was brutalized and demonized and so many parts of my personal life were invaded. Maybe you never thought I would stay so devoted to you, or live through it. I thought it was cliche to say you felt like someone was a part of you, but I understand it so very well now. Why didn't someone just talk to me? I would protect you and make sure you were happy even if you didn't care about me. I would take care of you at any time and forever. Am I never going to see you again? I could be anyone to you, but I would love to merely be near you. I would even be your maid.  

I love you dearly.  

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