Monday, July 20, 2020

I loved your sideways look at me and when you walked by the door and the way your legs went backward around the chair. I just loved even the small things you did and said.


  1. Yes! I loved your 12:30 lunch on Fridays.......
    You used to leave early then. Can you still leave at that time on Fridays? Maybe even this coming one?
    I think that is the 5, isn't it?

  2. I like twos I think they are happy, positive numbers. 1 is a lonely, negative number. But, if this do not work out, I understand 1 is sometimes necessary and another time will need to be figured out. Let me know. 1 is no, 2 is yes.

  3. I love you with all my heart forever. I will do anything for you.

  4. I will go either place, or have an armed guard.

    Are you thinking end of this work week? Around lunch? Sounds good to me, but I am at your will.

  5. I cannot relax until you are free. Please, the 5th. Do it for yourself, please! I will be so relieved.It is my dream, It has been so long for you to be imprisoned. I am writing to the FBI too. Please, let me free you! I will be there unless you absolutely say NO......please do not!I want to be there! I WILL be there!
