Saturday, July 25, 2020

You do know, that with the entire matter attributed to you, under your name, you would never be reprimanded by the PD, etc, if you contacted me. If he is trying to say it has to do with the waiting period, that attorney screamed in my face "there IS NO WAITING PERIOD!" and the rest of his obnoxious tirade. Believe me, you DO NOT want to be associated with that CRIMINAL, LYING  LOW LIFE, POS! He and his REAL CLIENT are GOING DOWN! I know that he feels that telling you not to talk to me, will buy him time as far as any cancer possibility is concerned since I said I would not have any other cancer treatment without you; so that attorney probably figures I could die before seeing you again. He is a damn liar who is also astonishingly heartless. Also, who is in charge of a wait period, HIM?If nothing else, DON'T LET HIM/THEM RUN YOUR LIFE! Get free and live a free life! Get your own attorney and show all the controlling, mentally ill people THE DOOR! They DO NOT treat you with even the BASICS of RESPECT! They INSULT YOUR INTELLIGENCE and YOUR INTEGRITY, PLUS THEY MAKE YOU SEEM WEAK instead of COMPLYING! I am sure they laugh at your subservience. They get away with murder. I think they take advantage of your kindness and size. You could seem imposing, so you probably feel you must be nearly be a monk in calm attitude. If they are holding anything over your head, get your own attorney. I will always stand up for your you and against them, plus I can prove they are criminals.....but more importantly, SO CAN YOU! But it needs to be done soon, so they don't do something drastic.

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