Sunday, July 26, 2020


  • On Friday, July 24, 2020, 04:53:08 PM PDT, Cheryl Chapin <> wrote:

    Dear ****** and *******,
    As far as I was aware, I have been In Pro Per since at least Feb. when Attorney A J did not show up to court, but the judge had him down as my attorney although I had told him and the Pvt. Defender Program that I did not want him. Mr. J did nothing but scream at me over the phone and said he would not use the best defense for my situation, which is that the restraining order was false. I believe Mr. J was influenced by M C. G, because my proving that Mr. Guasco falsified the restraining order against me, he broke many laws. Mr. G gave me a TRO at the behest of a Dr. N. N M, domestic partner of my former doctor, Dr. L, who had asked me if I wanted to become his friend, October 9, 2015, the last day I had an office visit with him, or spoke with him directly. Then about 97 days later I was in the ER with chest pain, thinking it was a heart attack. It was an infected gallbladder. Since I trust Dr. L more than anyone in the world with my life, I asked the ER doctor, if Dr. L could observe. He did and I was extremely grateful. I called a phone number given to me by B P, manager of Pt. Relations, that was supposed to have been Dr. L's message line. I believe that number was actually hacked, or was a trap line. Around a week later, I was served a TRO at home in Millbrae, while still recovering from surgery. I was absolutely stunned.  I never believed he gave it to me. He risked reprimand to keep me safe! He would not give me a TRO for giving him gifts that I could have only given to him around 100 days prior. He sent me at least one email and called me to thank me for the gifts. Also, when Dr. L got on the witness stand, he said my gifts were, "very nice and expensive!" It does not sound like someone who was angry I had annoyed him with gifts. But, who I DID annoy was his domestic partner, Dr. M. Just recently, I was at Kaiser getting biopsies on my breast to verify breast cancer. Dr. M, radiologist, was performing the biopsies. To my surprise, she waved a very large needle in my face threateningly, as if she were going to jab my eye with it or something.

    Dr. M had assistants holding down my arms (I had bruises on one arm and I took a pic of a fading bruise) and she began a tirade of cruel language against me. She said I was self-centered, selfish, only wanted for myself and did not care about anyone else and that I had no compassion for anyone else. I did not even know the woman! It was horrific that she would pull out a piece of my breast as she punctuated it with severe castigation! She waved the vials of tissue in my face.) Then, when it was over she sent me for a mammogram. The machine was closed down on my injured breast so hard that I screamed loudly out in pain and blood flowed to the floor and made a large puddle. My MS had gotten bad and I nearly fell off the mammogram, but a tech caught me. The ultrasound tech from the biopsy portion was walking down the hallway to go home, she looked up and saw me and quickly looked down at the floor. I said thank you and good-bye to her, but she said nothing back and did not look up. I am sure she was ashamed about what had happened.  That was not testing, it was torture! It shows that even after 5 years, Dr. M hates me and is actively trying to harm me. She got Dr. M to do her dirty work. Nothing else makes sense. Dr. M had also hired her psy friend, M. M. P. to come to Kaiser to interrogate me, find out how I felt about Dr. L and she piled 5 major false mental diagnoses in my chart. I believe she figured they would be her support proof about my mental instability just in case I "happened" to die by my own hand, or that of someone else's. She nearly got me to drown myself in the bathtub with mental manipulation, but Dr. L knew I had been crying when he called and he knew people with whom I had spoken and had them call me, most notably Sgt. P called me to ask when we were going to get together to work on traffic on Millbrae Ave. more and more people called me and it occurred to me that those were all people Dr. L knew I had spoken with in the recent past. I even spoke with D P at one point. Then, the hotel manager knocked on my door, said she was worried about me and gave me a free night. Yeah, right, like they give out free nights on a whim all of the time! My kind guardian angel did that. Does that sound like a guy who gives out TRO's to people he saves from a "psy"chiatrist from Serbia and comes at their peril to make sure they are safe during gallbladder removal surgery? (And a nurse said she saw him leaving my room when I was still asleep after surgery.) He obviously thinks highly of me, but these other people want to keep him as their prize. My lie detection report verified my lack of interest in what he has, but instead for the person he is himself. As I mentioned, I am a former multi-millionaire from the tech industry, money has not proven to be my friend, it has proven to merely attract predators, but I was never equipped to deal with them. They and mostly Merrill Lynch relieved me of my money.

    Anyway, I believe Mr. G got to my Pvt Def Attorney and made it so Mr. J will only deal with the contempt charge itself, not that the entire R.O. was false, thereby keeping Mr. G, etc, safe from the court knowing all the affronts he used against the court. G also compromised an attorney I hired who called me and he took my court file from an attorney, M P, who I was interviewing and told me that he accidentally shredded my file, but when I called G he actually admitted having my file in his safe. He described the contents and said "someone" delivered it to him. I wonder how much P made off of it? I confronted P and he screamed at me and then broke down and sobbed. (He had already been reprimanded 2 times by the Bar.) The world of law is such a smarmy place! (Although I did not find that when I worked for a city attorney's office.)  So, Dr. M hired 2 people (hitmen) to do anything to get rid of me, had someone else's name put on a false restraining order, had a judge berate me until I fainted, and although Dr. L refuted the TRO/RO on the witness stand, Judge N still heckled me, called me "STALKER" and interrupted every other word I said on the witness stand and had it stricken. Then she said, "no wonder the doctor is afraid of you!" I had no idea what she was talking about! Then, she sentenced me to 5 days in jail and cut it to 3. She also said I had tried to get someone fired. I think she was speaking about Edward Souza, who always followed me around Kaiser and chased me off a bench if I sat down to rest. He even did that when I was waiting for a ride home after being released from gallbladder removal surgery. He did not care I had just had surgery, he told be I had to get up and go away. Later, he made up false contempt charges to give to G to make up for telling me that "M M. P was hired specifically to get rid of YOU!" I said, "well that means this entire matter was made up to get a restraining order, so it is invalidated!"  


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