Saturday, July 25, 2020

I guess what I was saying when I said I wanted to kill myself was that I was so humiliated, I could die.
But I DID NOT SAY that I would kill myself if I could not see you. Hell, look how long it has been already? BTW, that K attorney is NOT YOUR attorney! He is merely USING YOU as a piece of K property! He has been endangering you legally! Do any of them give one good shit about you? HELL NO! If you told me what was going on, I would understand, but you need to understand my worry! You are dealing with ruthless people! The rough way Dr. Moon treated me was terrifying! Do you think your insane partner would be more gentle? Why does she care? Don't/didn't you have an understanding? I figured it was for kids and investment, not a love thing. I mean she is a lesbian, right? Does she want to make you one too? I don't know, the mind runs amok without truth present.

We did not have a real chance to let our friendship grow. But I fell in love. But, I also have a strong sense of being protective. I know I would hate life if you weren't in it. If I couldn't know you were okay. Why do you allow people to think I am awful? We are friends as far I am concerned. Remember the lie detection report said I could just be your friend? I gave a copy of that to MP thinking it would help, but instead it made things terrible. "Your" attorney stole my court file with my will and my lie detection report in it. He is a bad person, who is for your partner, not you. You need your own attorney outside K. They don't care what happens to you,they want what you have. If you died, think they would shed a year? You said your family ignored you and didn't pay attention to you. All I could think was why? He is so fun and fascinating. You know how much you brightened up my life! I knew from the time you called to apologize, that you were going to be in my heart to love. I know you are someone with many unusual facets, a gifted person. My son is gifted, so I understand, plus I passed the test to join MENSA but the membership was too expensive. I just wanted to see if I could pass. My husband was also gifted. I cannot abide being around unintelligent people for too long. It isn't snobby, it is boredom. I have never been one to care that much about having many friends.
I know you resonated with me on all cylinders. Plus your sweetness tugged at my heart. I want to take care of you. I knew that our laughter was just the tip of the possible fun. I only survived all the five years, because of my love for you. That attorney knew it would crush me to have you say no and I guess it is why it rolled out of my mouth. It was meant to upset, I guess, but the staff made it worse. You could have spoken to me, just to soothe my pain. Nothing would have happened to you. Maybe it would be hard after all this time. I wish not. You are being their puppet. It is undignified. They do not respect you. They have you frightened, not rational. Tell them to fuck off. They lie to you to help their agenda, not you. I feel really angry at them for humiliating you and mocking you by pretending they are doing anything in your favor. We were friends. Nothing will change that. You are their trained monkey. God Damn them!

1.Thank you.

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