Saturday, July 25, 2020

Do you know how shitty it feels to have people revile you? Do you think it is easy? Do you think it is nice to have people not believe you? Now they think even worse of me because you said you were going to call your attorney, as if you were afraid of me! Don't you think that made me want to die? After looking forward to the day of the end of the r.o. and then you say you are going to call your attorney, the most reprehensible asshole on Earth, who put you in legal danger? Did you get an extra bonus to sell your integrity? Why not just sign the papers instead of letting them be forged? I went through times that were so excrutiatung, I nearly could not take it any longer. I hope to God you did not know they were going to harm your mother. I cannot imagine why MP changed her hire date to the world if she did not do something awful, that looked very suspicious.....then kick me off my online account. I could understand how they might hold it over your head as a threat and have it be effective. It doesn't explain why you could not help me. I see how damn insane your partner is by twice having people harm me. I am going to report her to every PD, every news source, every place I can find. She will be the pariah, not me. When she hired hit men to go after me, that could be considered attempted murder. That has no statute of limitations and can carry a life sentence. I asked that attorney about my giving everyone "hold harmless" papers to have him stop attacking me, but no. Do you think if you are older and need care, your partner could be trusted to care for you? I have experienced exactly what she will do in practice and threat. She will give you a stroke and no one would question it. She would control your assets. You might just be a veggie. Those people don't love you, she most certainly does not. You need to tell the DA's office the truth and she will be blamed no matter how it happened. I am not afraid of her, but I will not go into surgery with her minions in control. I would face her and talk to her like adults, not her cowardly attack methods. I do not have one crumb of respect for her. She is a thug. I have told everything to the DA anyway. I had to do some very persuasive talking to justify your role in it. I even had to persuade myself, because you were pretty active in destroying me. But I thought of the nice times and your warm eyes and I told myself you had no choice. I still want to believe it, but you let me stay in despair for 5 years. How did anything I did make me deserve that? I wrote emails that were just fun and informative and gave gifts because you seemed so happy and I was grateful for your help and your friendship. They really messed with you, didn't they? MP said you were insane, but she liked to say that about everyone, but I do think they did mess with your mind. They are predators. That asshole jerk Souza is such a whiney little prick and wrote false contempt charges against me and rummaged through my chart and lied about me on the witness stand. He can get some big prison time. Let's see how well they will all fare with the DA PROSECUTORS grilling them! Your social climbing partner will lose her status and instead be headline news as a low life who hired hitmen to attack me! All you had to do was talk to me for a moment and I could have understood, or not made me sound like some creep to your staff. No one would have known. That POS attorney just lied to you to let more time go by, so I would not be able to have you help me with a possible breast cancer situation and just let me die. That does not sound like you. Why did all this happen over a few gifts and emails? It is massive overkill. I guess your partner decided she would show you what your next friend and you would have you endure. Just tell the truth! I do not enjoy my role as your insane partner's punching bag and my disappointment in you to some degree. I know I will always love you, but it just makes this crap hurt all the more.

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