Sunday, July 26, 2020

I am having a hard time deciding what to do. I am very angry, but my empathy is giving me a difficult time. Of course, as I said, it could be out of my hands anyway. I don't like bullies or people who don't care what happens to others. I could use input. She doesn't seem like redemption is her thing. That is why I have worried like crazy for you. I really did not understand what she meant through Dr. Moon by saying I am selfish and don't care about anyone else and something about taking away things that belong to others. That tirade was astonishing. I had people holding my arms so hard I had bruises. I did not think of taking pictures until they were, or had faded.  I guess it was something trying to warn me off and also so I would not go back, and if I do have cancer, I would die. Of course I believe that is a reason that attorney is trying to prevent you from helping me. So far, it is obviously working, which is rather puzzling. Cancer is nothing to mess with....but I guess he has you frightened more than the urge to help me. I guess it is unfair to put you in that position. I can only go by my own feelings. I would not hesitate to jump on it. People do not bully my mind. They are mere mortals.

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