Thursday, July 16, 2020

Stop the insanity!

Haviva von Martinitz

1:37 PM (4 minutes ago)
to Richard.Isaacs
Dear Dr. Issacs,
I should not have been berated and humiliated by the staff in 
the general surgery dept. Tuesday, July 14. The false 
restraining order, created by Dr. Moayeri and attorney 
Mike Guasco and hitman, Marija Petrovic (spy trained) and 
former security guards, de Guzman and Souza, was over 
(July 12, 2020) yet I was told I could not leave a message for Dr. Lukaszewicz and I was told over and over that the 
restraining order bearing Dr. Lukaszewicz's name as 
Plaintiff, was not ended. If there was something else, I 
should be told, please do. All I did was to leave a message for 
Dr. Lukaszewicz saying the "program" (restraining order) 
was over. Nothing else and I got it with both barrels right 
between the eyes in return. After having been so hideously 
abused for 5 years, over a false restraining order and all the "trimmings" one would think I would have been treated with 
a bit more dignity. Then to hear that the lawyer was going to 
be called, my knee jerk reaction was to say, I'd rather 
be dead (than go through that again). A Santa Rosa Sheriff's 
Deputy was
sent to my home on a welfare check. He told me 
that the people at Kaiser told him that I said I would kill 
myself, unless I got to see Dr. Luikaszewicz. (I don't know 
how I would do that right then, I purposely live 140 miles 
away to avoid temptation. I had not even asked to speak with him, but the woman taking the call, added it in. I do want to use killing myself as a threat to see him, but that is what someone said 
to the Sheriff's Dept. I believe they made it sound unhinged 
purposely for an excuse to give me another restraining order. 
That is not fair, especially since the first (and extension) 
were false in the first place and manufactured by Dr. Moayeri, because of my gifts of thanks to Dr. Lukaszewicz and her insecurities. Dr. Moayeri must be unable to handle someone in 
her personal life, having any outside contact and out of her 
control. Pretty immature to have a person in such a 
responsible position be that insecure, controlling of another 
human being and follow it up with hiring a "hitman" to go 
after me and then have a TRO served upon me, by an 
unethical attorney who put Dr. Lukaszewicz's name on it for 
her, so I would hate him. Funny, I trusted that he would not 
do such a thing, but she did not. She also did not show up to 
court to support him. Why? Well because SHE was the one 
who did it to him as punishment for being kind to me. That is 
a sick minded thing to do, as well as illegal. You certainly 
cannot approve of this kind of thing being done to your 
patients. I was brutalized for 5 years and I tried to comply 
with the false accusations, the humiliation, the false contempt
charges that got me jailed after being frightened to death by
a judge who reamed me out after an attorney who was hired 
by Guasco, but pretended to be mine through the Bar Assn 
program. The mere fact that the attorney was not with the 
program, shows Mr. Guasco was deceptive and that the rest 
of the case could not be trusted as true either. He clearly 
had to use Kaiser's deep pocket money (28+ billion in 
reserves) to pay for judges and others to facilitate his way 
of railroading me. If one looks at the case, the timeframe 
and my evidence against the validity of the entire case, an 
impartial observer could easily discern a false case when they
see one. It is like night and day. If Dr. Lukaszewicz had filed 
the TRO against me, he would have not kept me safe by 
observing my surgery at my request, nor asked if I wanted to
be a friend that last day I saw him. I called him to thank him 
for observing my surgery, so his false message line was 
bugged and a week later, I was served with a TRO and 
Mr. Guasco made certain that any attorney I found was 
under his direction, or turned me down for hire.
Dr. Issacs, that was a long way to go to show me that 
someone wasn't happy with me. Dr. Moayeri hired a "hitman," 
her acquaintance, Marija M. Petrovic (no longer at Kaiser) to 
come and harass me and basically try and get me to die. That 
could be a felony charge against Dr. Moayeri. She is basically 
a criminal and has very poor judgement and a great lack of 
control over her emotions; not a great combo for a surgeon, 
would you not say?  I know that if I were a patient and knew 
those things about her, they would ask for someone else to 
do their surgery. It WILL get out!

Her last display of unhinged behavior, was to have radiologist 
Dr. Moon threaten me during a breast biopsy and physically 
harm me as well as terrorize me. That is crazy behavior. I 
warned Kaiser about her before and nothing was done about 
her. It is no wonder that when I asked the police in her 
community to do a welfare check on Dr. Lukaszewicz, the 
officer said to me, "is she a powerful woman?" I thought 
about it and said, "yes." He replied, "I know who you are 
talking about and even women can be abusers, not just men." I had said I was nervous about requesting a welfare check, but he 
said, "better to be safe, than sorry!" I did. I have no idea how
it came out, but the mere fact the officer said, what he said;
it scared the crap out of me for Dr. Lukaszewicz's safety. 
They forge his signature with abandon and "the greatest of 
ease" and he always seemed to be watched and more of a 
prisoner than an autonomous adult. There were other factors 
that added in to make me intensely worried for his safety. I 
felt that caring about the welfare of a fellow human being and someone who took lovely care of me, deserved to have 
protection and a caring attitude bestowed upon them, just as 
he had bestowed upon me. Their relationship is not my 
business, but when it comes to personal safety, it is the 
business of us ALL! It is my belief and observation that 
theirs is not a normal one and he is still very possibly in 
danger for his life. After what Marija M. Petrovic did to me 
under Dr. Moayeri's direction and the brutality of Dr. Moon, 
also under under her direction and having Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature forged (aka identity theft) I'd say he could very 
well still be in danger. Dr. Moayeri does not seem to have 
much respect for life. I believe her career is just a higher 
pay grade to her. I believe that she was afraid that 
Dr. Lukaszewicz would disappear and she would lose his 
financial help. For one thing, he said he thought we might be 
friends. That is all. He goes about everything "by the book" 
and he behaves with perfect decorum. She obviously does 
know that about him, or does not trust him to be the 
upstanding, kind and trustworthy person that I know him to 
be. I found that to be the case the first day I met him, when
he called me to apologise for a mere nothing that he had done
to cause me to not be happy with him. I have NEVER had a 
doctor call me to say sorry before. Most are too worried 
about liability, but not Dr. Lukaszewicz; he was worried about
my feelings and if he had hurt them. Extraordinary! He is an extraordinary person and doctor. He deserves to be treated
better than to have his name put on a restraining order and humiliated by having to watch his patient suffer for HIS 
punishment! That was diabolical and twisted thinking by 
Dr. Moayeri. She wants to hurt and humiliate him and goes 
through an elaborate plan to hurt me, but it was actually to 
keep him in line and keep me away and tormented. That is not 
right. That is insane. Why she thinks she can do that to an 
innocent person and feel she has the right, is called a 
megalomaniacal narcissist and I believe, very dangerous.

I want the truth to be told at Kaiser about my innocence. 
I want my freedom there back and NOT be treated like a 
pariah, or some danger to my doctor/friend. They say that 
most accidents happen at home, but so do murders. If Dr. Lukaszewicz wants to see me, or not, should be his decision, not the decision of someone who thinks it is fine to abuse and control 
people, the law and the court. No one decent should be 
subjected to her interaction, or threat. 

No one decent company should pay her way to doing it, 
either. I deserve to be treated respectfully, not under her 
thumb, nor the misguided actions of office personnel who lied
to authorities to make me look bad (for the sake of 
Dr. Moayeri; Dr. Moayeri, seems to have an obsession with 
making me look bad and as low as her level, but nothing will 
make me go down a level as low hers). Again, normal people do 
not put someone they are supposed to care about through 
humiliation and legal peril without a care. She has had 5 , and 
more, years to get a grip and redeem herself, but no, she is 
still attacking me using medical means. Unless I hear back 
from you and we get this straightened out; I will file a police 
report and also take it to the Supreme Court, since my civil 
rights were violated. Hiring a hitman and the methods not 
specified, could construed as attempted murder and that has 
no statute of limitations.
I deserve to have health care without being intentionally 
terrorized and threatened with possible death. I really do 
not trust that Dr. Lukaszewicz will ever be safe with that 
person who acts unstable and makes dangerous hitman plans 
against people because she obviously has low self-esteem 
and insecurities. No one should have to live under such 
dangerous circumstances, nor have healthcare providers act 
on her behalf to torture others (me). There have many 
situations that those very things have happened to me at 
Kaiser. Put an end to this disgusting behavior there! Give me 
my rights, my status at Kaiser and a meeting and my online 
account opened up again (after 3 years of it being unavailable
to me). I do not want to escalate this, but treat me with 
respect and do something; don't ignore me! I am a widow, 
former (and maybe current) cancer patient, with MS that 
has become worse during the 5 years of intense stress. 
I need another MRI and other diagnostics to confirm a 
breast cancer diagnosis, or refute it. I need the only doctor
there I trust to be in charge of it all to keep me safe: Dr. Lukaszewicz.
This entire travesty and torment was done by Dr. Moayeri, 
I did NOTHING WRONG! Stop her attacks on me! I am 
taking a breast cancer med at this time. I want to stop it if 
it is not necessary to be taking! It has harmful side-effects! 
Thank you. Cheryl/Haviva (my Hebrew name for Cheryl)
PS. Please do not let me down, this is more stress and 
is harming my health even more.         

Cheryl Petrovich

Personal Pain, Indifferent Abuse~

Wait 5 years through terror and abject abuse, 
barely hanging on 
and each day 
is a pelting shower of pure unrelenting agony 
it hurts so bad that you ask God to
 "please, make it stop"
but God is too busy for you
so you manage through another 
devastating day
and wade somehow through 
yet another horrifying night 
of despair
at last
when the time to rejoice finally 
you are rejected so hard
a knife could not be any more 
then let me know how much you
feel like 



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