Thursday, May 5, 2022


 I must wait for my new computer  (refurbished) to do any writing of my paperwork, since the charge goes out quickly on my current one and scrambles words and letters....


  1. You make me feel loved. No matter what, thank you! I just could not get through this w/o encouragement. You are the best encouragement I could ever want! Love hits me right in the heart.

  2. You need to escape! You should not have to deal with this deal any longer! Please! At least try!

  3. I know you can only do what you can, but how great if it worked!

  4. Now, I am going to send back the new(er) computer, because it is giving me too much trouble right off the bat.

  5. I just need to.keep hanging in there....things get tough.......

  6. I just need to.keep hanging in there....things get tough.......

  7. I am up and down, but will be ok.

  8. You keep me feeling loved. I need that so much. You are like the hand of God. Looking over me. My eternal gratitude to you. I am able to go on with your kindness and love.

  9. Keep me loved; I want to do that for you, because I love you and I want you to be happy. I know that is a tough ask, but I need you to be okay, so you will not give up hope. I keep wondering if that is their plan, so foil it!I want to have lots of fun with you and have a lot
    of great to look forward to.....okay? Big hugs! Lots of love!

  10. A few numbers every few hours and I am happy. .....for now.
