Monday, May 23, 2022


 Some just stay nasty to the end! Who wants to live that way? That is no life!

Narcissists are destined to get older and then experience nothing but loneliness and sadness.they're destined to end up alone. Because they never learn from their mistakes. Which is why you should not feel bad for them. They had plenty of options to choose from. But they abused them all. They mistreated them. They refused to limit themselves to one person. Even if they found someone who was perfect for them. They were always looking for something else. They wanted to see what else was out there. It's a never-ending cycle.

First, they idealise their target. Then they devalue them. And then finally they discard them. But then it just starts all over again with someone else. They refuse to limit themselves to one person. Because they always want more. They always want something better. They want someone who is more attractive. Or someone with more money. But even when they get that, it's still not enough. They just keep wanting more and more. But they're never satisifed.

They always wanted more. They always thought the grass was greener on the other side. They always felt that what they had wasn't good enough. They play the victim. They act like everyone did them wrong. And they become very bitter and resentful. As though life has just been unfair to them. Rather than accepting that they brought this on themselves. It's the result of their own actions. They chose this. And they could have made a different choice, but they didn't.

Eventually many narcissists will even choose to be alone. Because they have a long list of what they're looking for in a relationship partner. But a very short list or no list at all of what they have to bring to the table. Many of these narcissists act arrogant and grandiose. But they don't actually have any qualities, skills or resources that would benefit you or improve your life in any way. It's all in their heads.

They want the fantasy. It just gets to the point where people begin to wake up. No one wants to participate in this fantasy any more. Which is why they eventually end up alone. Not because they can't find anyone. But because they don't want to be with someone who is beneath what they think they deserve.

The fantasy is more important to them than love or any form of connection. Because they live in fear, that maybe they're not special or important. In life, we have two choices. We can choose to live in fear. Or we can choose to live with love. But for narcissists it's not a choice. Because they've lived in fear for so long. They don't know anything else. So eventually they just die alone because they're afraid. They target people who they think are better than them. Because then it makes them feel like they are better.

You can't rationalise with the narcissist. You cannot bring truth to the situation. Because truth is death to a narcissist. So in the end, a lot of them have to be alone. Because that's the only way that they can survive. That's the only way that they can sustain the illusion. Because although they may have tried to brainwash you. They're also victims of their own manipulation. They're under the same spell. And they want to stay there. Because reality was too painful for them to deal with.

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