Friday, May 27, 2022

Narc behavior


Can a narcissist sense when you are healing?

Absolutely, YES!!!

When the Toxic Narcissist I was married to noticed that I, literally, didn't care anymore…He got scared.

—I would start laughing when he'd try to bait me into a fight, I literally acted like he was a ghost living in the house - he Panicked, you could see it, he didn't know what to do😱

His erratic behavior became scary at times,…He’d disappear for days at a time and when he would return, I acted like he'd never left.

I could see it was messing with his head, so that encouraged me to not give up, and eventually escape. But I didn't do it for him—I did it for MEπŸ’―❤️

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Chastity Morton
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