Friday, May 27, 2022


 I am so tired of wishing I could see you and not being able to do so. I keep thinking how fun it would be to be with you somewhere. I don't understand her tenacity about hanging on to you, when she cannot possibly love you. I get that status quo is a big deal to them and worried that she will lose her "arm candy" for charitable events and the idea of a cohesive family unit, but it is a fraud. How could she hurt you? How could she see your sweet face with those compassionate dark eyes and see you suffering in pain? i would rather hurt myself.would not want that from me. She would call that me winning over her and hate it. How could she hurt you? How could she see your sweet face with those compassionate dark eyes and see you suffering in pain? I would rather hurt myself. I will do whatever is necessary to free you. I just hope it can be soon; I want to spend as much time with you as possible, if you would also like it.

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