Thursday, May 26, 2022


I Never went into a proper night's sleep and had Paul McCartney concerts on in the background the entire time. I did take some "cat naps" along the way, though. My past infected foot still aches like an enemy. I suppose it went through quite a lot, so I should be glad it isn't worse. Some aspirin takes off the edge.

My friend told me that a man doing a program on Grant Wood asked her to find out if I wanted to be interviewed about Grant's sister Nan. I said I would, but I have no idea what I would say, she was basically like family, but more famous.  American Gothic Fine Art Jigsaw Puzzle   She and her family knew my great-grand-father and mother and spent Christmas with them, since Nan and her family did not celebrate holidays like that because they were Quakers, but Nan said she loved the German chocolates and all the pretty decorations.  Nan was the sweetest, most proper woman one could know, but she had a mischievous twinkle in her eye and appreciated a "colorful" joke.

My great aunt and my grandmother were very close friends with Nan (my great aunt more so than my grand mother, but my grandmother took care of Nan in her late years until her death.) It took a toll on my grandmother and aged her, but she would have not had it any other way. She was a dedicated and loyal friend.

I understand that ethic.

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