Sunday, May 29, 2022


 Hi dear one,

The pressure was too much today, so I broke down and made a G&T, but it was too strong, so I got out a soda, poured it in and it was so much bettter!

I am feeling down, so I gave up on everything for now and am a blob. I wrote a fairly substantial letter /email to a journalist who seemed to be in my territory of necessity as his specialty. Most often I hear nothing back, but it helps me to firm my familiarity and my ability to be more succinct in the retelling, which makes everyone grateful.

It has dragged on for a very long time causing many types of different pressures, anxieties, sadnesses, lonliness and resentments. It is too much to put on one person, or two people who cannot communicate; both suffer, or just give up.......which would be too heartbreaking to take. This has been cruelty at its finest, or its cruelest.  You have put up with that crap much too long in your life; you were meant for so much better. It is a human travesty.

Weak, small/immature minded people cannot handle being in the presence of someone talented and so beautiful in many, many ways. Please do not allow anyone like that attack your mind. Keep your self-esteem and  beat them at their game! We will prevail against evil! I want you to prevail on top!

You knew my heart

You are very loved!

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