Monday, May 23, 2022


 I was hoping to find good, or hopeful news in my inbox, first thing, but same old stuff. I have long been someone who gets no answers, but I find it rude when it is busuness. I don't blame social people anyway, I give people all the chances in the world. People are busy, or have something else going on that prevents them from from responding. My life is boring. I admit it is my fault, but I have no motivation. My ideal situation is not within my grasp and those who could change things have serious reasons why they don't. Some don't because they are criminals and have consequences and others don't because they fear the criminals and what they could do. I have never been someone who caved in easily to the unreasonable and selfish desire of others, without a number of FU attempts against them. They eat up time and happiness that can never be returned. Since they do not love, that means nothing to them either. They probably hope to make their victim(s) unfeeling too. That is terrible, because having the feeling of love is the best life has to offer. I can conjure it up by thinking of you and a warm glow envelopes me, but then it becomes like a feeling of hunger and it turns painful. When one thinks about time zipping by unfulfilled, it is like being in a quicksand trap.  I still feel emotional pain, but helpless physically. I need cooperation to do anything, but it is not forthcoming. It takes courage, anger and drive and a strong desire to win. Dig up that competitive spirit. You have it!

 You were the top, you can be again! Don't let their greed and fear hold you back! Please!

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