Tuesday, May 31, 2022

WATO 2, 3

 I don't need to pay someone a bunch of money to meet you at a designated time and GO! My renter will be there, wait and take off!

You go out of the back door at a certain time......and jam on out!!

Why allow sleaze ball criminals to steal your life? Think they would put up with it if it were themselves? FUCK NO!!!!

I would be at a nearby place and see you. I need to make sure you are okay and you decide from there. I would take you home with me, or get us both a hotel room to talk. I will do whatever is okay with you. My goal is to be what you want and need. I will never purposely let you down.


1 comment:

  1. I would never be presumptuous; of that you may be relieved. No matter how strongly I felt, I would not be rude.
