Tuesday, May 24, 2022


 I wish I could be there to keep you happy and safe. If she doesn't behave decently and stop hurting you; I will let everyone know how much of monster she has become and what she has done. I hope her children will tell if she has harmed them.

I wish I could tell you how much I love you and the lovely way you made me feel.


  1. Thank you bunches for being so kind and sweet to me! πŸ’“ You try and make me feel special and YOU DO! LOVE, AlWAYS!

  2. I would like to always know you, and be able to take care of each other. I want you to be free to live as you want and be happy, never in fear. I want you to know love.

  3. Can a narcissist sense when you are healing?
    Absolutely, YES!!!

    When the Toxic Narcissist I was married to noticed that I, literally, didn't care anymore…He got scared.

    —I would start laughing when he'd try to bait me into a fight, I literally acted like he was a ghost living in the house - he Panicked, you could see it, he didn't know what to do😱

    His erratic behavior became scary at times,…He’d disappear for days at a time and when he would return, I acted like he'd never left.

    I could see it was messing with his head, so that encouraged me to not give up, and eventually escape. But I didn't do it for him—I did it for MEπŸ’―❤️

  4. That was a comment by someone else.
