Wednesday, May 25, 2022


 Hi Cutie!

Hope things are okay with you this morning.  There is a very persistent seagull pounding on my window, wanting morning food scraps. I have nothing to give him right now, so he will need to wait until I am more up and around. 

The last thing I was doing before I went to sleep was see terrible news. How awful. I wondered how someone so young could be filled with such rage and hate. It is unfathomable!

I hope your day turns out nice. Not being able to see you is unreasonable and frustrating, but I think how bad it is for you. I never heard back from the person I contacted to help me. Maybe he has been swamped with new clients and can't get back to them all. Naturally, I want immediate attention, but more patience is warranted.

Anyway, getting tired, so more rest is prescribed!😁 hugs and big loves your way! ❤💞


  1. This absurd spell check messes up many of my posts; just assume I did not write them.

  2. This absurd spell check messes up many of my posts; just assume I did not write them.
