Monday, May 16, 2022


🤟 It seems as if things are less personal now. I am being more and more alienated, instead of the other way around. Why? Is that the way it is supposed to be according to plan? If nothing is getting better, then tell me. I have remained loyal to being ready to help but I am not thought of that way. I am supposedly sitting here w/a raging case of breast cancer, but how can I Know for sure? I am just a sitting duck. I need to raise one thousand dollars to get an impartial scan. I have things for sale, but nothing is happening yet. Do you care what happens to me? I need help. I don't know what to do. At K I am wanted dead. Am I just supposed to let that happen? I wish I were loved as much as I love. I just don't know. 😩 

Yeah, I feel like nothing.

I love with all my heart, only one person. I would die for him.  Maybe that will happen sooner than later.

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