Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 Why would a narcissist go from stalking you to keeping their distance?

The simple answer is: fear of a consequence.

If they think the stalking is being noticed by someone who might get the police involved, he’d stop. It’s easier to move on to a new supply than spend months in jail.

If he thinks someone in your life (read father, brother or male cousin) will literally beat him stupid, he’ll move on. Why get beat up over a supply. There’s always another one right around the corner.

He might have found someone easier to intimidate and scaring her is more fun. In that case, don’t worry because he’ll wrap back around and stalk you all over again just when you’re starting to feel safe again.

These are the kinds of reasons that narcs stop stalking. It’s all about them and their wants/needs. They don’t have the capacity to see that they’re destroying you and feel enough compassion in their hearts to stop. They’re not built that way.

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