Tuesday, May 24, 2022

 My answers come from my own perspective and life experience. None of my posts represent any form of medical advice, I am not a licensed medical professional.

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Joined November 2019
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Profile photo for Joe B. House
Narcissists can use the co-dependent, and the co-dependent sorta just plays along. You, the co-dependent – narcissists enjoy your company, your supply; they appreciate your potential. But they are keen on you, like you are keen on wearing that new designer jacket of yours, or driving your long awaited…
Profile photo for Joe B. House
It's perfectly fine if they don't like you. Actually, it's for the best. So keep the people pleasing to a minimum, but don't be rude. Keep your emotions subdued and don't pay them too much attention, but don't ignore them 100%. Do not give your personal thoughts or plans away, keep the conversation not…
Profile photo for Joe B. House
You can either try to make it better, or let it get worst.
Working with a borderline is like a roller coaster ride. Take my borderline work colleague, the most dramatic, bi-polar, emotionally unstable, sexualizing person I know, after one of my siblings that is. No she is not perfect. However, she is the most hardworking, and most competitive, person I have ev…
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Joe's space · 
Can you find the rabbits? …
Profile photo for Joe B. House
Yes and no… and yes. Narcissists love watching others people do their chores for them, serving them. Narcissists can be hard-working at times, granted, but only with things that really interest them. Otherwise, they commonly refuse to lift a finger, deferring such meager activities to any willing minio…
Profile photo for Joe B. House
I expect many people might suggest green tea, and I certainly would not disagree with that. Definitely considered one of the healthiest drinks, unless it is late afternoon/ evening, in which case you may want to steer clear because of the caffeine. If you go to the beach in certain parts of the world…
Well, the nightmare experience, is simply coming to terms with what they are. When you “consumate" your desire to form a romantic partnership with the narcissist, you get your long-awaited dream. But your dream, now consummated, soon turns into a nightmare. But unless you have that nightmare, you are…
Profile photo for Joe B. House
The thing is, you expect someone with real emotions, genuine character, but what you receive is feedback which feels lacklustre in all "humane" departments. Dealing with a narcissist, is a one-way rendezvous, where they may hear you out, but only so they can then make clear why their point is valid,…
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Narcissists only interact with you, if they can control you. If they can't control you, you will not see them anymore, they will be your ghost.

When narcissists are in your experience, you are their resource. They are using you to their benefit, even if you can't work out how.

And they can only do this, because you are entertaining them. Even thinking about them alone, is entertaining them. It's hard to shut the thinking off, I know.

When the narcissist acts, they already know how you will react. It then justifies their later move, and so on. You see, they only ever engaged with you, because you were perfectly predictable.

Narcissists use you to create the atmosphere they need, to get where they want to go.

And do you know why you got those feelings, in your heart, that attracted you towards them?

No you don't, maybe you never will.

But they do.

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 · May 6


Profile photo for Susan Dee

Joe.. “Entertaining them,” and “perfectly predictable.” 💯⚾️👏🏻 grand slam..💟 once again.. MVP😉

Profile photo for Joe B. House
Because narcissists have a right to exist, like all others. You can't just send them away to a remote island. Perhaps a better question is – how do you define laws and governance systems to mitigate the adverse psychological effects of psycopathic and narcissistic behaviours? Well, how do you do that,…
Profile photo for Joe B. House
Perhaps because people are quick to label someone a narcissist? Yes, probably. Many people feel bitter after rejection, and so label their ex a narcissist. Others may feel ultra needy for attention and validation, to which the other party does not correspond (understandably), and so the person labels t…
Profile photo for Joe B. House
If you are their spouse, you must do as they wish. Importantly, narcissists don't want to see you grow. Your personal growth, your ability to weigh through your own life experience from the perspective of sifting through the wanted/ unwanted things and defining new plans, ambitions, desires for yourse…
Profile photo for Joe B. House
The funny thing about Cluster B personalities, is that they can be quite easy to get on with, and fun to spend time with, at first. Cluster B personalities do want you as an acquaintance, "friend", associate, someone to liaise and rendezvous with. Cluster Bs, like you, have a desire to form and mainta…


  1. I try to open all the sections before copying them, but they may close prior to copying them. I am trying screen shots; only just learned them.

  2. I will take a risk to rescue you. Don't worry about it. You just need to let me know time and place.

  3. So,I wonder how she was abused as a child and by whom?

  4. Please be honest with me; will you ever try and escape?

  5. Is there a reason to fear for your safety? I think there is. I think each minute you wait is increasing it. I try to block my feelings of worry and nightmares and pretend I don't love you, so I won't hurt as badly when they hurt you. I need to know some things, because I am going to make a flier for your rescue.

  6. It sounds
    Like she will never change. So, did she physically abuse you? 1 yes, 2 no.

  7. Did she ever remove anything surically, without your permission? 1 yes, 2 no.

  8. Are you currently being held a prisoner? 1 yes, 2 no.

  9. Is her attorney helping her to hold you prisoner?

  10. Does her attorney threaten you? 1 yes, 2 no.

  11. Do they chain you down in some manner? 1 yes, 2 no.

  12. Do they sexually abuse you? 1 yes, 2 no.

  13. Do you ever get to see your children? 1 yes 2 no

  14. Do your children know what is being done to you? 1 yes, 2 no.

  15. Shouldn't you tell them? 1 yes, 2 no

  16. Your children need to know. Everyone needs to know. Go to the PD to make a statement.

  17. I am not sure how these questions would be answered, didn't think of it,
    But my of mind was looking for answers, to get you justice; not for mere nosiness. I want to shock people into action. I don't know....

    1. Not sure they could be answered in this form, or do if possible, or want.

  18. I would prefer to just enjoy you and relax. Help me. I am confused. I am nervous. I want to do right by you.

  19. I just want to be warm by the water, holding your hand. And feeling
    Lovely love. Just forgive my questions.

  20. I heard your sexy voice! Quick, but a thrill!

  21. I can remove the questions, if you want.

  22. Doesn't she know she could go to prison for what she is doing to you? Does she think she is invincible? I will work toward the
    destruction of her evil behavior all of the time!

  23. Of course the quote at the beginning is by the guy who has this narc section on quora.

  24. I wish I could fall asleep with you next to me. I never seem to sleep any longer and it has me worried. I want to have this thing over so much. All I do is think about it and worry about you. It keeps my brain too active. I want to know you are there, okay and relax. I only have one wish, to always know you are okay and happy.

  25. I love you as much as someone can. What I have is yours. If you need help, I will help. I have little, but I will borrow, or sell for you. 💓🌹🤗

  26. I will leave up the questions and may use them again sometime.

  27. i took these off the site so I can take them off for awhile.

    I would love to spend sweet nights holding you warmly and with loving care so we could erase any pain and live anew for a positive future.🌃

    Whatever you would enjoy to feel safe happy and loved! 🤗👫

    With all my Internet problems today; I feel like I have missed you. I hate feeling disconnected from you, I feel lost.🌃 😢

    Please! I want you to be safe and HAPPY! I WILL DO ANYTHING; ASK ME!

  28. FBI - Tips
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  29. I.t was a long, detailed form. I put my heart into it, but they have ignored me before. I have tried other places too.I do not understand, which is why I say, "fuck it" just go feral. If you are dealing with despicable people, you cannot do things in a reasonable way. Fight fire with fire......or a big hose!
    I won't live forever.......even though with you; it would be amazing! (A DREAM!)
