Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 Hi Cutie! How are you?

I am slow on the go today!

I had the strangest dreams! Seems like I don't usually sleep enough hours to get a dream going, but I had weird ones about my dead friend. It did not seem like anything prophetic, just ordinary situations in life, but she was upset because her electricity was cut off while she was doing laundry. Well, when I think of it, she was doing laundry, as was i, when i first met her and she insisted on going up to her apartment to get me a glass of apple juice. We were both pregnant. It was the beginning of our friendship and the beginning of a life long friendship of both our sons. They still make sure to see each other several times a year with their friends at a family cabin in Washington state. I have never seen such a dedicated group of friends who have stayed in contact since young childhood. They are brothers, really.  It touches my heart.

Anyway, it was a strange beginning to my day, but life gets strange too, but we deal with it as best as we can. I have never felt as close to a person as I do you, because we have a bond. A bond that has endured. 

I want to make it last, no matter what, because there was a reason for it and I care about it.

I care about you. I am here for you.

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