Monday, May 9, 2022



Haviva von Martinitz

2:22 PM (10 minutes ago)
to ******
I was given false restraining orders by Dr. Gregory Lukaszewicz.
It has caused me serious emotional pain, and false accusations for over six years and I have had to spend a lot of time and effort dealing with it and understanding the cruelty of it; it has made no sense. I hurt very much; it has taken over my life.
I know that they were false because I never did anything to get restraining orders and Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature was deemed as forged by expert(s). He was never upset with me. It was like I could have been anyone.
It has disrupted my life and made me feel like a pariah. I am shunned. I want answers. It has been a violation of law and human decency he never had a chance to give his own explanation, except when he said he like my gifts. Dr. Lukaszewicz's name is on the restraining orders as Plaintiff, but never his true signature. He needs to explain. I gave him a few thank you gifts over the years (approx 4) for his excellent work and extra time for me,that is all. He needs to explain everything and stop it from continuing. I cannot live with it going on any longer. I am suffering.

Thank you, 
Cheryl (Chapin) Petrovich

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