Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Allen: That's quite a lovely Jackson Pollock, isn't it?
Woman: Yes, it is.
Allen: What does it say to you?
Woman: It restates the negativeness of the universe. The hideous lonely emptiness of existence. Nothingness. The predicament of man forced to live in a barren, godless eternity like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void with nothing but waste, horror, and degradation, forming a useless, bleak straitjacket in a black, absurd cosmos.
Allen: What are you doing Saturday night?
Woman: Committing suicide.
Allen: What about Friday night?


  1. I think that is the funniest line in the the way she states it.....

  2. Just a little black humor.....

  3. I miss you. We need to settle on a month and day of your choice.

  4. Sometimes I feel pretty desperate, because the anxiety gets pretty bad. Please put plans into action soon, okay?

  5. I love you so much it hurts. I hope I can hold on. The anxiety comes back petty hard.

  6. You know that I plan to sue her. I could do it a few ways, but it would be a slam dunk with your help.....



    Haviva von Martinitz
    1:05 PM (2 minutes ago)
    to c05a250534f13504d40dd

    I have a situation that is in San Mateo County and I cannot get an attorney to help me. It is a convoluted issue and it involves a Kaiser doctor who is being used in the middle of the situation against me. A corrupt attorney is pretending to represent the doctor against me in a restraining order case, but I did nothing wrong and the doctor is my friend, so it makes no sense; except that it has kept me from being able to help my doctor friend, who is being held captive in his home and is being taken to work and home again. No one will help him, not even his local police department, who were the ones who told me that his former domestic partner was his abuser. His former domestic partner is also a Kaiser doctor and surgeon and working with the attorney, but she works at Kaiser in Redwood City, while my friend works in South San Francisco. I happened to be outside Kaiser SSF one day and saw my doctor's car leaving Kaiser SSF, but he was in the back seat and he ducked down as it was leaving the stop light outside of Kaiser. I thought it was odd at the time, but now I understand he was not under his own volition. He is somehow being threatened to be against me and to be under their will. I called the DOJ and they said it sounds like he is being labor trafficked! All the DOJ did was give me a case number and for me to have him call them and use a text number to them. I have no way to do any of that and neither would he!

    No one will help me and the authorities will not help me since I have false restraining orders against me! Judges just push the restraining orders against me through no matter if they make no sense! My evidence is of no consequence, Judges pay no attention to it and even when my doctor friend refuted the restraining order against me in court; he was ignored and I was put in jail! My doctor has money and property and I am afraid that when they tire of him; they will kill him and forge a will, like they have been doing in the court papers against me. I am a senior and this is abuse! My doctor was the President of the local medical association and graduated from Harvard as a surgeon and was top notch and respected. Why he ended up at a crap place like Kaiser; I have no idea! The predator attorney is a contract attorney at Kaiser and says he will do free legal work for the doctors, but if it is anything like what he is doing to my doctor; he is making them captive and labor tracking them! I need help, but I need help to free my doctor friend. The corrupt attorney screamed at me that he could keep me restrained FOREVER! It appears that Kaiser is complicit, since they will do nothing to help their own doctor! They have over 28 billion lying around to use to pay off anyone! From what I gathered from a witness; Kaiser used the contract attorney to frame Kaiser members and got (gets?) them kicked off the Kaiser insurance rolls by saying they did something bad to a Kaiser employee and gives them restraining orders and voila, an expensive Kaiser member/patient is no longer draining their funds, since Obama care says no one could be turned down for prior illness, so they turn them down AFTER they are members! I wondered why such seriously ill patients were kicked out for such absurd offenses. A quadriplegic man was attempted to be kicked out, but he managed to get an attorney and was exonerated. I happened to speak with his attorney and got the story.

    So it appears that Kaiser is involved in a very murky business of c

  8. endangering their doctors and patients. I have had my life threatened twice and managed to get away.....with some help. I am under my 2, or third restraining order and the last one was disguised as a contempt of court and the DA's office went after me like I was a female Jack the Ripper and not a senior woman with MS who gave her doctor a few gifts for his devoted work for her. The female prosecutor blasted me as she walked into court while spewing nonsense at me. It was supposed to be for contempt, but it was given to me by the corrupt attorney when I had NO RESTRAINING ORDER OVER ME! Besides all the other LIES, I had been sending the DA (Wagstaffe) my evidence proving that what I was being railroaded with was false! So I suppose a DA is under the spell of Kaiser and their magic $$! I have suffered for over 6 years with false accusations, being yelled at by judges, humiliated and being treated like scum! But, my doctor/friend needs to be saved! How is that done, when it is a sea of corruption in the San Mateo court system and elsewhere? I am worried my doctor will lose hope and harm himself! PLEASE! Help me get him freed so he can live a life he deserves without constant fear!

    I truly need your help, advice; whatever I can get! It truly IS a matter of LIFE AND DEATH! Have pity!


    endangering their doctors and patients. I have had my life threatened twice and managed to get away.....with some help. I am under my 2, or third restraining order and the last one was disguised as a contempt of court and the DA's office went after me like I was a female Jack the Ripper and not a senior woman with MS who gave her doctor a few gifts for his devoted work for her. The female prosecutor blasted me as she walked into court while spewing nonsense at me. It was supposed to be for contempt, but it was given to me by the corrupt attorney when I had NO RESTRAINING ORDER OVER ME! Besides all the other LIES, I had been sending the DA (Wagstaffe) my evidence proving that what I was being railroaded with was false! So I suppose a DA is under the spell of Kaiser and their magic $$! I have suffered for over 6 years with false accusations, being yelled at by judges, humiliated and being treated like scum! But, my doctor/friend needs to be saved! How is that done, when it is a sea of corruption in the San Mateo court system and elsewhere? I am worried my doctor will lose hope and harm himself! PLEASE! Help me get him freed so he can live a life he deserves without constant fear!

    I truly need your help, advice; whatever I can get! It truly IS a matter of LIFE AND DEATH! Have pity!


  9. endangering their doctors and patients. I have had my life threatened twice and managed to get away.....with some help. I am under my 2, or third restraining order and the last one was disguised as a contempt of court and the DA's office went after me like I was a female Jack the Ripper and not a senior woman with MS who gave her doctor a few gifts for his devoted work for her. The female prosecutor blasted me as she walked into court while spewing nonsense at me. It was supposed to be for contempt, but it was given to me by the corrupt attorney when I had NO RESTRAINING ORDER OVER ME! Besides all the other LIES, I had been sending the DA (Wagstaffe) my evidence proving that what I was being railroaded with was false! So I suppose a DA is under the spell of Kaiser and their magic $$! I have suffered for over 6 years with false accusations, being yelled at by judges, humiliated and being treated like scum! But, my doctor/friend needs to be saved! How is that done, when it is a sea of corruption in the San Mateo court system and elsewhere? I am worried my doctor will lose hope and harm himself! PLEASE! Help me get him freed so he can live a life he deserves without constant fear!

    I truly need your help, advice; whatever I can get! It truly IS a matter of LIFE AND DEATH! Have pity!


    endangering their doctors and patients. I have had my life threatened twice and managed to get away.....with some help. I am under my 2, or third restraining order and the last one was disguised as a contempt of court and the DA's office went after me like I was a female Jack the Ripper and not a senior woman with MS who gave her doctor a few gifts for his devoted work for her. The female prosecutor blasted me as she walked into court while spewing nonsense at me. It was supposed to be for contempt, but it was given to me by the corrupt attorney when I had NO RESTRAINING ORDER OVER ME! Besides all the other LIES, I had been sending the DA (Wagstaffe) my evidence proving that what I was being railroaded with was false! So I suppose a DA is under the spell of Kaiser and their magic $$! I have suffered for over 6 years with false accusations, being yelled at by judges, humiliated and being treated like scum! But, my doctor/friend needs to be saved! How is that done, when it is a sea of corruption in the San Mateo court system and elsewhere? I am worried my doctor will lose hope and harm himself! PLEASE! Help me get him freed so he can live a life he deserves without constant fear!

    I truly need your help, advice; whatever I can get! It truly IS a matter of LIFE AND DEATH! Have pity!


  10. The comment area is too small to get my entire comment, so I divided it in half for you, but I did not get them lined up correctly, but they are all there....I think! Anyway, I got the entire thing to them, which is the important part.

  11. It aso got duplicated, I see.
