Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 Why would a narcissist go from stalking you to keeping their distance?

The simple answer is: fear of a consequence.

If they think the stalking is being noticed by someone who might get the police involved, he’d stop. It’s easier to move on to a new supply than spend months in jail.

If he thinks someone in your life (read father, brother or male cousin) will literally beat him stupid, he’ll move on. Why get beat up over a supply. There’s always another one right around the corner.

He might have found someone easier to intimidate and scaring her is more fun. In that case, don’t worry because he’ll wrap back around and stalk you all over again just when you’re starting to feel safe again.

These are the kinds of reasons that narcs stop stalking. It’s all about them and their wants/needs. They don’t have the capacity to see that they’re destroying you and feel enough compassion in their hearts to stop. They’re not built that way.


 Are narcissists likely to kill you?


As long as they think they’ll never be caught, narcissists who are capable of murder will murder, or they’ll stage an “accidental death.” Accidental deaths or deaths that happen while a couple = breaking up…are common narcissist tactics. Narcissists will kill pets, children and anyone else they deem necessary to punish or eliminate. Narcissists have zero boundaries.

Really old narcissists will pretend that old age caused them confusion about whom they shot, and thus that they can easily pretend that had no idea whom they were killing.

It’s reason why remaining silent about your escape

and new location are extremely important.


 Hi Cutie! How are you?

I am slow on the go today!

I had the strangest dreams! Seems like I don't usually sleep enough hours to get a dream going, but I had weird ones about my dead friend. It did not seem like anything prophetic, just ordinary situations in life, but she was upset because her electricity was cut off while she was doing laundry. Well, when I think of it, she was doing laundry, as was i, when i first met her and she insisted on going up to her apartment to get me a glass of apple juice. We were both pregnant. It was the beginning of our friendship and the beginning of a life long friendship of both our sons. They still make sure to see each other several times a year with their friends at a family cabin in Washington state. I have never seen such a dedicated group of friends who have stayed in contact since young childhood. They are brothers, really.  It touches my heart.

Anyway, it was a strange beginning to my day, but life gets strange too, but we deal with it as best as we can. I have never felt as close to a person as I do you, because we have a bond. A bond that has endured. 

I want to make it last, no matter what, because there was a reason for it and I care about it.

I care about you. I am here for you.

WATO 2, 3

 I don't need to pay someone a bunch of money to meet you at a designated time and GO! My renter will be there, wait and take off!

You go out of the back door at a certain time......and jam on out!!

Why allow sleaze ball criminals to steal your life? Think they would put up with it if it were themselves? FUCK NO!!!!

I would be at a nearby place and see you. I need to make sure you are okay and you decide from there. I would take you home with me, or get us both a hotel room to talk. I will do whatever is okay with you. My goal is to be what you want and need. I will never purposely let you down.



 You are too spectacular to allow those sad, sick, pathetic losers keep holding you back!

When are ready to start living: let me know! 

When you stand up for yourself; they will MELT!


 When you feel up to it, we need to get you out of there. Please, it needs to get done asap.

Monday, May 30, 2022


 When someone told me that you used to play hooky from work to go see your kid's soccer games I thought, "does she actually think that would make me dislike him?" It was weird because "someone" must have told her to say that, because I never brought you up as a subject. A few others did that too. It was the most childish/immature place.....but, most people told me how much they liked you; they just💜 heard your name and said, "he's so nice!"



  I wish I were holding you right now! 🤗


I have not had the Internet for awhile today!

This is the first time getting back on since early this morning!How have you been doing (today)?

🌅 .🌃 2

 I would love to spend sweet nights holding you warmly and with loving care so we could erase any pain and live anew for a positive future.🌃

Whatever you would enjoy to feel safe happy and loved! 🤗👫

With all my Internet problems today; I feel like I have missed you. I hate feeling disconnected from you, I feel lost.🌃 😢

Please! I want you to be safe and HAPPY! I WILL DO ANYTHING; ASK ME!  


 Sleep well, dearest one.

You are the one of my loving dreams and my most devoted prayers.

I knew the first day that you were someone who belonged in my life and that we would be supportive of each other.👥🌃


 I was on the phone with my friend who is worried about her new neighbors who might be using their condo, that is close to hers, as a crack house. They do not live there, but they have large fans going all of the time. I am terrified for her. The man is not nice to her and is sometimes peering into her kitchen window. She is thinking of getting a security camera. I hope she is safe. She did notify the PD, so they are aware.

I think if a fire broke out at your house, perhaps it could be an eye opener......and save your life..... Please God, let him find a way to escape.

Sunday, May 29, 2022


 Trust me!

You are my central worry and thought.

No fear

 I am not afraid of them! I need to keep you safe; I do not worry about anything else!

I cannot keep living like this! 

If I can be assured that you will back me, then I can really have no fear.

Please let me help you!

Please, find out if she can be negotiated with and do so. Just get away! Tell her money will come her way and you will still take care of your investments and children and not tarnish her reputation, but only if you may have some freedom to feel like a normal person. Also that other person needs to go and stop spending money on him. Act very business like and impersonal. Tell her it all will look normal, but you need normal freedom, so she doesn't get into trouble. Make it all about concern for her. Please, do it soon. I beg you.

Does a narc want you dead? Always remember this.2

Will a narcissist kill you?


That is their goal.

Narcissists want you DEAD

They want you DESTROYED

And they want to be responsible for your death (and don’t want anyone to know they were responsible).

They enjoy watching you slowly die inside from the various health ailments their abuse causes that will completely vanish if you leave them.

They enjoy you getting sick to the point of you no longer wanting to live.

They enjoy every minute of it.

And when you’re dead they love the attention from people they receive over your dead body.

This is who they are, this is who you are dealing with, this is how serious this can end up if you don’t get out of the relationship.


As long as they think they’ll never be caught, narcissists who are capable of murder will murder, or they’ll stage an “accidental death.” Accidental deaths or deaths that happen while a couple = breaking up…are common narcissist tactics. Narcissists will kill pets, children and anyone else they deem necessary to punish or eliminate. Narcissists have zero boundaries.

Really old narcissists will pretend that old age caused them confusion about whom they shot, and thus that they can easily pretend that had no idea whom they were killing.

It’s reason why remaining silent about your escape and new lo… Read more


 I need to have this question answered, because it will help me decide what I need to, or not do moving forward.

Will you ever try and leave her on your own? If you are not in shackles then you need to try at the best opportunity to to, so you can get your story out! At this time, I will help you and you must back me, if I am caught. I get nervous because of the trial.

I still love you with all my heart. I truly do.

From what I have read, she WILL KILL YOU!

I just cannot get back to the story to copy it right now, but it terrified me!.


 Are  you okay?

When I feel down, the World seems down too.

My only hope is you and if you are okay.

What else matters?


 I am surprised I was able to get so much sleep! I felt like my brain was so tired it would never relax!!

The last thing I was thinking about was being at a sunny beach  with you. It was nice. Very nice.


 I really have no life any longer.




☀🌅🌄  Good Morning, Cutie!


Only have a beautiful day!

You are so very loved!



 When I think we have coordinated times; I get so excited and breathless!

Things will get better!



 Hi dear one,

The pressure was too much today, so I broke down and made a G&T, but it was too strong, so I got out a soda, poured it in and it was so much bettter!

I am feeling down, so I gave up on everything for now and am a blob. I wrote a fairly substantial letter /email to a journalist who seemed to be in my territory of necessity as his specialty. Most often I hear nothing back, but it helps me to firm my familiarity and my ability to be more succinct in the retelling, which makes everyone grateful.

It has dragged on for a very long time causing many types of different pressures, anxieties, sadnesses, lonliness and resentments. It is too much to put on one person, or two people who cannot communicate; both suffer, or just give up.......which would be too heartbreaking to take. This has been cruelty at its finest, or its cruelest.  You have put up with that crap much too long in your life; you were meant for so much better. It is a human travesty.

Weak, small/immature minded people cannot handle being in the presence of someone talented and so beautiful in many, many ways. Please do not allow anyone like that attack your mind. Keep your self-esteem and  beat them at their game! We will prevail against evil! I want you to prevail on top!

You knew my heart

You are very loved!

Saturday, May 28, 2022


 They will never allow you to live a free life, will they? If you want it; you need to grab it.

I am always here; even if I am dead I WILL watch over you.

The body may perish, but love goes on.

Like mine for you.


 Tell her she is welcome to find a ready made love of her own, if she will do the same for you. Everyone should have that freedom; it was why we were given that feeling of choice automatically in our minds when we were born. We hunger for it. To me it is you and it would be nice to find out how it is for you. I would be happy to even know you as my friend, because you fulfill me in any way I may know you, but without you at all, I feel empty and mostly dead inside.


 I hope you sleep well!

Have a sweet day !

In my heart and mind at all times.

With love!


 Mediation is what would be nice. If you could tell the court you want mediation, things could be over w/o issues. Both must agree, but you know how possible it is from him, or her. It must be you.


 I just love you! 

You deserve love and care w/o any expectations in return.

You owe no one anything; just get relaxed and feel happy and loved.

I would love to help you; if you would allow. I will dedicate my life to you.


 I don't relax any longer.

I need help to help you.

Most usual conventional avenues have been blocked.

We need strength and determination against bad people!

It will not happen without guts and cooperation! You can do anything!


 Hope is all I have to keep going, but I am afraid of what I am up against. From what I have read and experienced, it is a confusing enemy. Usually, one knows who is who, but in this case the enemy can arrive from many directions.

One would have to be as mentally strong as Houdini. I cannot be in love and also tough, unless he were being physically attacked and I needed to save his life. I rescue without thought for my own safety. If I had to fight her for your safety, I am sure I would go crazy on her and rip pieces off of her. I hate her that much. The thing is you are a victim and she is evil. It would be better to make a plan and escape without contact and beat her legally. Please help me help you. I need Superman!

Everything that has been done to you has been illegal; you have right on  your side. If you stay, you are committing yourself to it and whatever crazy they decide as your end. I am afraid. I am not for ready to give up on you. You need to take a chance as I will too. I remember that I read that your father was a much admired man. He also deserves to be remembered for his service; especially during this time. Yes, I was hungry to know all about what made you, you. Sorry, if it was invasive, but you are everything to me and I want you alive to enjoy life and the future of your loved ones.


Friday, May 27, 2022


 Medical Case Manager —

I am Garifuna & Speak Garifuna as well as Spanish - Fluently.

Words I live by:

1Peter 3:16

Maintain a good conscience, so that in whatever way you are spoken against, those who speak against you may be put to shame because of your good conduct as followers of Christ.

608.1K content views587.7K this month
Active in 5 Spaces
Knows Spanish
Joined January 2020
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The moment a Narcissist Hones in on you, their goal is to Assimilate you. YES, if YOU should refuse—There is HELL to pay, you are now enemy NUMERO Uno. Run for your LIFE💯 Because: Resistance Is FUTILE! …
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YES, He'll Plead The "FIF"🤣😂😅💯

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Karen Flores
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