Saturday, January 9, 2021


I can hear the waves crashing on the shore, even over my sound machine. It must be getting wild outside. 

I hope I don't have to go through all the court stuff.  The next one is at 9 am. Do they not care how far I must go? So early. Obviously it is another hotel stay. Glad the hotels have lowered their prices, or it would be a snooze in the car. The jury might be bought. I want to have some say so on the jury. They may buy it. I probably don't have a snowball's chance in Hell.... I hope the PD gives your statement to the DA. 

I am tired. I keep getting a chill and the pain inside has returned.   I am very tired, I guess I will sleep now. I want an end to this thing.Good night.

I love you.

It has been such a long time of torment. She really feels justified by doing this and giving me a false breast cancer diagnosis, so I could be badly harmed during surgery, or killed.  People are so cold blooded.

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