Friday, January 15, 2021


 I was feeling so congested, I was becoming afraid I was wondering if I was coming down with Covid. I finally fell back asleep. Now, I am breathing better, but just have a bit of a tickle. 

Good thing I got the new carpet cleaner, since my dog got her relief on it. She never used to do that, but she has had to stay alone when I have gone to court and I put pads around for her to use. Now maybe she thinks it is all a pad. 

My dog, Piper, was the biggest, furry dog, like a sheep dog and he liked to sit on my shoulders when he was a baby, but he still wanted to do it when he was big too.  He stuck his head into a bush when we were in line for a vaccination clinic and pulled something out.  It was a man's Gucci watch! It was real! I think I gave it to my husband. It may still be in his jewelry box. I should look. I think it needed a new leather band. I have no idea why I thought about it.

That dog ended up with a weird tumor (I guess) on his throat. It would bleed and I would put a baby diaper with hydrogen peroxide on it. It went away! That was the strangest thing!

 I kinda lost faith in vets after two of them cheated me and one pretended my cat was still alive when I found out that it was dead and propped up against the back of the cage. That was awful. The clinic was shut down. The other one did extensive work knowing my cat had no chance in Hell of survival. I paid, but was not happy. Her guts were hanging out when she came back home after getting out, so it was awful driving to the vet. My son was screaming because the cat got out of her towel and had guts hanging. I do not know why I got on this jag, but I figured it was a writing exercise, if nothing else.

Anyway, back to work. 

Is your day going nicely?  

I suppose the government is still under armed guard. I was going to send Nancy Pelosi roses like the last time she became Speaker, but I suppose it might not be the thing to do now. (Nice, historic letter she wrote.)

Sounds like things are heating up in Trump Land.....more soon!

Sending love.

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