Tuesday, January 12, 2021

False law

I think we have gone through enough situations to know each other and can be friends without a problem. Why does it seem like I have to prove myself more than most people? I feel as if I am for the most part, kind and understanding. I do not understand what more I must prove. Why can't we go to court together and just say, "we don't need all this restrictive crap over us, we can deal with situations ourselves!" Well, I suppose the short answer is that someone wants to keep in control of you (especially) and me (to keep me away). I would never have said anything had I not been lured into seeing MP. I thought I could be open and honest, since that is the nature of the profession. Funny how crooked people expect perfection from honest people and they are legally bound to certain standards, yet thumb their noses at the rules they are supposed to follow themselves, as if they have a special dispensation to do so. I mean, I have been looked at as the slime of the Earth, for doing nothing wrong. I guess they have their own personalities to plumb for their disparaging false, ugly assessments of others. I think they get a charge out of hurting people and lording over them. They need to have their false law ignored and be freed from it. You knew it was false all along, which means there can be no contempt of court. You do not have to abide by it and neither do I. You CAN stop this!

Hugs & love.

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