Friday, January 15, 2021


 I saw a news report that said one in five older people are going hungry. I am not going to feel bad for sending my mother food. She has me knee jerk reacting, because she gets very upset when I send her something. Last time she said she didn't want me to send her something, I had bought her a nice robe. She said she didn't want me to buy her clothing. She went overboard trying to make me feel bad. She underlined negative words many times. It was a Christmas present! I sent one thing from all of us. Everyone else seems to just take and take and not think of giving at all.  I guess people have gotten out of the art of giving.  But, right now, I am especially concerned. I don't want her to go to the store. This is not gift giving; it is survival.  I gave her enough to last for awhile. Screw it. I can't make her like me.

Ick, that rum in the Piña Colada is making me feel sick. Mistake!

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