Wednesday, January 20, 2021

My lowest point in this


"Searching Soul"-

When you miss someone who is a part of you, you miss them with an ache that cries out so loudly and so deeply that it resonates and vibrates beyond the great grand design of the universe and into the eternal void of space, touching down in the very soul of God.

It is more than a prayer, it is a gut wrenching agony that has been emitted by human despair since the beginning of their existence. The loss of a beloved twists an invisible knife that plunges in more deeply as pain lingers on and leaves behind the ragged remains of a person who loved another with a passion so grand it consumed every waking thought and pierced the veil of ethereal dreams that visited during random fits of restless slumber. 

Even the smallest fiber of your being reaches out instinctively seeking a place of tranquility and solace to soothe the lonely nothingness that has become your pathetic existence. It finds a temporary haven, a respite, but torment discovers your refuge and with the delight of a predatory demon, picks away at the raw edges of what still remains of your disintegrating psyche.

The Scream is a visual depiction of the chaos that takes over a taunted, and  haunted mourner with cruelly induced bereavement of grief for one departed, but it too has been spirited away by those with selfish, greed driven desires. 

You are gone from my vision, but never from the eye of my mind, nor the heart of my soul.

 You are eternally loved. 

-Haviva (Cheryl P.)

(C) HVM (2018)

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