Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Me too

 My Internet went off for a bit. I was reading emails that I copied and had on my other email address. I loved them so much! They were you being so sweet to me and saying things that really resonated with me. We seemed to click. I want that again. I wanted to be with you always. I love the things you know about. I wanted to impress you with my attempts at poetry. Some were better than others, but there had been such a nice compliment on one that was from a member of a poetry group that I posted on, that gave me more confidence.She said my poem was beautiful and I was very talented! I hadn't remembered it.  Anything I did that was good, I owed to you, because my love was strong and I was in pain. Could we please get back to our normal relationship, only better, soon? Please? I am so aching to see the real you again. I know she is counting on things being different and I won't like it, but I . I don't care. I know you and I love you. It is as simple as that. You are you. No matter what.  I adore you.

I hope you can grow to care about me too.   

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