Wednesday, January 27, 2021


 Hi! Are you okay? 

You know I think of you all of the time. I worry about you and I am so afraid I will not do something that will help you. I do what I am able, but if you contacted me, I would be there in as little time as I could. 

I hope you will be able to come to court, but would they allow it? I was hoping that man would be in jail before, that would have hopefully meant, it was over. I don't know. I just wish you would get away and figure things out later. Any time you even have a moment to get away, please do. Who knows if they will try and harm you before the court date? Am I wrong about that whole thing? I mean if they are trying to kill me, I would not think they would mind killing you. Did the police chief contact you? Any way, you slice it, you need to escape. (Unless they are in jail See, I have more questions than answers.)

Are things as desperate as I think?  If so, get away any moment you can, then things can be worked out. Get rough, if you must, or drug them. It is your life to save, or lose.  You need to stay alive. 

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