Thursday, January 14, 2021


If we both refuse to abide any of this false law, we could undermine both the assholes and they would be left to sit and spin! Either that, or just live in a bad situation. I mean, if they have been busted, that is one thing, but I have no idea. But, why not tell me and why still be doing this? 

They have broken the law with their behavior.  Why not break their false law. I am getting tired of it all. You are not being brave and I do not know why. Is this how you want to live the rest of your life? A two bit hood is running your life. 

Will you help me, or just wave as I go to jail? 

Frankly, after you betrayed me, how can I trust you again? That was a slap in my face and a knife to my sole.  With crooks you abide by their wishes, to me, who loves you, you just smacked in the gut with a baseball bat. Really? Is that how you treat good people? You are better than that. That woman is insane, she will kill more than your mother. She is still going after me. Think she would stay quiet against false law? Save yourself and save me, okay? I know they have everything stacked against me for this false court thing.

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