Friday, January 15, 2021


 I was watching some Australian guy on YouTube making liquor and rice wine. I like the idea of making them, but I think I might have a problem drinking them. I think I like the idea of skipping the store for the most part of a liquor. I used to enjoy wandering around BevMo. It was about as exotic as I could get. I used to carry around Greek ciggies just to be a tad bit exotic, or cloves. I didn't smoke them except the cloves at rare outings with friends. Sometimes we would go to the clubs and dance together. It was weird that men would get so belligerent if women sat together at a bar and didn't want their company. Some man actually sent over a bottle of Dom and expected nothing in return; he did want a sip of it though. 

Listening to people talking about Covid. It breaks my heart. I know I would not survive. 

I am so worried I will never see you again. I hope that is not the case.  My heart hurts as is. I would love it if we could go into isolated places and see beauty and be able to be around someone who appreciates the other and treats them with respect. We are human first with feelings and desires. They count too.

I love you.  

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