Saturday, January 23, 2021

Peek a bra

 There is a picture on Fire TV of Julia Child with Jacques Pepin, but she is holding a gun! WTF? I know she was in some kind of Secret Service, but I heard she was in secretarial, or office work of some kind. It seems like Pepin has looked the same forever! My miserable bandwidth isn't bringing up the show....yet anyway....Oh! It came on! He and Julia are eating the biggest burgers EVER! I think she lived in Pasadena for awhile. That is my family place, besides Iowa. 

They are making steak, I am cooking liver....but I think the liver I make is very good. It doesn't even seem like liver. Julia is whacking the steak like a caveman with a club. Wow, her blouse came unbuttoned and her bra was showing. No one has caught it yet! At least it is staying together right now. Lax camera work! Her bra was hanging out for awhile!Ooops! Peek a boo! 

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