Friday, July 17, 2020

YOU MUST be PROTECTED! You are a victim, so you must speak up! Or, are you going to save her and throw me under the bus? The DA has all the evidence. If you lie, you will be refuting help for me. You should have told her to apologise, if that is what you want, otherwise, I will ask for a jury trial and who knows what they will do.
I was treated VERY badly! A person cannot get a contempt charge on a false restraining order. You KNOW I did NOTHING! I don't think the victims should fight! I think we should join as a united front and make the entire thing crumble! You suffered too! I think you deserve compensation. What I have said that you were unfairly put between a rock and a hard place: work and home. I am sure none of it could have been easy.  She did wrong, she needs to pay for it. I think she needs psychiatric help, really. Someone should be getting her treatment. But then again she is obviously a narcissist and they are tough to fix. She had 5 years to figure things out. I am just the sweet victim. Great. In a civil trial, damages would be enormous. 

But, you allowed it to go on. The restraining order was false. There were lies, false evidence, forgeries. All of this is going on because Dr. M was too cowardly to speak with me, or stop it, or apologise, or let me off by signing "hold harmless". I have bent over backward to have it "all go away!" and keep anyone from getting hurt, but I was rejected many times. I offered to go to mediation. The attorney would only agree to go with me and no client; how is that for a boot in the butt? Like I would want to go with that obnoxious He gives me nightmares bezoar troglodyte homunculus ANYWHERE!  He gives me nightmares just by seeing his face!

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