Friday, July 3, 2020

If you had seen my home in Millbrae, you would have a much better impression of my housekeeping than now. It became over crowded here with all the storage stuff from Millbrae. I had two big units filled up, brought it here, along with the stuff from the house. and the garage was already full. I have gotten rid of so much stuff, but it seems to have multiplied! (Even with people stealing things!) I miss that home. My great aunt and uncle actually built it themselves (mostly). I saw pictures of my great aunt putting up a brick wall. I feel like a loser having to sell it and the ugly way the new people made it look. All that work I put into it, just ripped out. I wonder if they took out the old wood floors, they were gorgeous. The real estate woman was not nice. She knew I was in a hurry to sell, so she dragged her feet listing it and lowballed it....then she sold it to her buddy real estate guy, who represented his client. So shady! Then, she sat there talking to him in front of me and ran me down! She said, "Cheryl could never afford a place like this!" Then, when I was trying to buy this place, her partner told the real estate woman that I could not afford this place! Why would he do that? I believe the legal thing had long reaching destructive fingers! The antique tea set was sitting on the piano, in the wicker suitcase, and when I picked it up, sounded like marbles. I am pretty certain MP had been there and spoke with the HOA to get them to treat me badly. I have no idea if money was involved, or what, but they have never been nice to me. It was just one thing after another. Even the movers put the things in the garage, so that it was a tangled mess. I mean, just a bird's nest of tangle! Awful! She & G, were behind the doctors treating me like a druggie looking for a fix and screaming at me for no reason, or the "fun" "whispering campaign" where they looked at me with disdain and "whispered" loudly enough for me to hear what they said. I do not understand why people went along with it. If someone told me to treat someone badly, I would have said "NO!" No complaints went anywhere; everything was always "everything was as it should be!" Of course, the smarmy, creepy, immature security guard always knew when I was there and followed me around, yelled at me if I sat to rest (even just out of surgery while I was waiting for a ride home, he made me get up and leave ) and he even knew what was in my chart. They also messed with my MRI and had the tech screw it up, so I was in complete discomfort and even pain. It didn't take a psychic to know when things went wrong, who was behind it.That is the normal work of a psy? No, it is the work of a twisted monster, spy! I believe she was behind the cruelty and bizarre behavior of Dr. Moon too, calling me cold, self-centered, no compassion for anyone else, unfeeling, etc. Unless she is insane, then she was calling me, what the person who was behind it all, thinks of me (but actually describing herself!) Five years of their plots and plans, gaslighting, tormenting, having everyone treat me like shit, always yelling at me. I felt grateful that the Russian ultra sound tech (Daly City) had the decency to look ashamed and down at the floor. Dr. Moon (Daly City) was so rough and cruel, it was just a twisted nightmare! She waved a very long needle in front of my eyes threatenly as my arms were being held down. It frightened me so much! I know who wanted me tortured, but why did they go along with it? Normal people don't want sadistic, bad things done to others, or tell their kids to drive by a person's house and yell out names. They should never have been involved. What kind of parent makes their child upset like that? It sounds like she has not one bit of concern for anyone but herself! She is dangerous and mentally ill. I fear for anyone who stays near her! She needs therapy! (To put it mildly!)
I want to save her potential victim at home, from potential murder! The DA has been warned and so has the PD, but I want it to come BEFORE he gets attacked!She needs to know that she would be the FIRST suspect in another crime. After the false R.O. against me, she would be in prison avery long time.

Each one of those various offices, under the same person's direction went into cruel action against me so, shows that K does not give a damn what terrible activity goes on....even murder!


  1. I will have you both on the court stuff and we can give you the chance to say what has been happening to you. unless I find out I cannot file it. All I want is to see you again and free you to live your life.

  2. I am not yet certain what I can use for suing.
