Friday, July 3, 2020

I worry about so many people. My sister-in-law has had hives for months now. It must be stress. My mother has been at home for a long time and said she wants to go out and date. She was just going to go out with some dating group with her church and she said she is wasting time stuck at home. I sent her a paint by numbers since she is bored, but I doubt if it is what she had in mind....
The idiots who won't wear masks, or stay home, etc, are making others stay home longer.
I impulsively had Amazon send an air purifier to my brother's address, since it was not able to be sent to CA, regretted it. I don't want my brother to go out and deal with it. I have been concerned about spots on my lungs and wonder if the purifier would help. They could be scars from asthma from the last chemo, but it has never bothered me. I have never smoked. I just heard about it from the people who were being jerks at K and were being awful. I cannot imagine trying to hurt someone and terrorizing them. At least it gave me a heads up. I think they had no good plans for me. The one doctor, I think, was trying to warn me by saying, "some people just don't do anything." No one says that. It has been the strangest 5 years of my life.
Anyway, I am taking 2 meds and supplements like mad and veg and fruit juices. I would have an IV drip of vit C, but am nervous about trying it alone. I have the equipment (from vet supplies on Amazon).
There are places that do it, but not around here.
Life has been strange, but I try not to let it get to me. I hope you are well. I have missed you more and more as time has gone by and worry for your safety. Prayers, positive thinking and writing get me by. Falling apart does no good. Sending love. 

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