Thursday, July 2, 2020

I keep wondering if the Bolton book hype is a red herring, of sorts. He makes everything sound innoccus as far as Trump goes, no wandering around the WH in his birthday suit, or anything like that. He must drop a nuclear bomb toward the end, because so far, it is a snooze fest. He bad mouths Obama and makes him sound weak, but otherwise, anti-climactic. All of that crap about that he should have testified, was most likely marketing hype along with Trump's "threat to sue to stop the book" was Trump's gift to Bolton, so people would buy the book and think, "well, if this is as bad as it gets....!" Early days. Not scintillating.

So far, the best part was a quote by LBJ saying, "I want someone to show their loyalty to me by kissing my ass in Macy*s window and saying it smelled like roses!" Wow!

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