Thursday, July 16, 2020

I called the K. office and thanked them for the welfare check and I said, though that I never said that I would kill myself if I could not see you. I was upset because someone there said that you were calling your attorney and made you sound upset with me. Why tell them that you could not take messages from me? I waited 5 years to say hello and did it in an innocuous way and I just get slammed down. Do you really think I would call if I did not KNOW it was okay? If I violated something I could not possibly know about, how is that fair? People need to know the rules not to violate. If it was never said that certain things are against the law, how would/should people know not to violate them? That would never fly. You know that I have suffered intensely during this false thing, but you further the abuse by telling everyone I am not allowed to leave you a message. Are they also spies against you? That is INSANE! That is no workplace; it is a detention camp! The ENTIRE thing was made up, but you follow it, even when it is over? You sound like a Stockholm Syndrome victim! If that is what you want, TELL ME! I have worse MS (and breast cancer ?) because of the abuse and worrying about you.  I had good reason for doing so. I worried about you, they did not! They set you up so that legally, if they got into legal trouble, so would you. Do you think any Nazis who said, "I was just doing my job" got off easily during the Nuremberg trials? I doubt it. Look at that little asshole Souza, he derived pleasure from treating me cruelly! Is that you? If you are a cruel person, just tell me;I do not like cruel people. Helping me behind the scenes while I am being brutalized publically is kind in a strange way, but not nice and rather cowardly, like your narcissistic "friend." I suppose 5 years changed you?Did you submit to mind control, or other methods of making you even more like a puppet than you already behaved? Do you think that if you did not participate, you would be killed? Well, guess what, after the heat is off, they WILL! Do you think ANYONE else would worry so much about you and fight so hard to keep you safe? No, they would have worked out a deal with that miserable excuse of an attorney to drop the entire thing and you would be on your own. Instead, I had your back, but how was I treated in return, when it mattered? Crap, that's what. You embarrassed me further by telling your staff I was someone bad.  Great.  Yes, after worrying about you for 5 years, because of my love and caring, what I deserved was to be further humiliated; that is your friend's style of "love" not that of anyone normal. You could have called me privately and said, "I am fully with team Evil, so forget the part of us being friends!" Why didn't you sign all the papers against me yourself? One expert alone cost me $1,000. They can use that forgery skill against you and give you a stroke, or something and say, "it runs in his family." Marija Petrovic did not freak out about her hire date for nothing. It was too close to another date and it worried her that someone else seemed to notice. She is a criminal, like the rest.....and a murderer? Your narcissist seems to have no problem hiring other people to do her hateful fantasies against innocent people. By not turning her in, you are a part of the conspiracy. You are part of the hateful behavior, especially the longer you allow it to go on.  She is a monster, you are not. I have been trying to explain all along that you are a victim, but now, you just look like an accomplice.  You can claim psychological duress and threat. (Maybe it is correct anyway.) You were friendly to me and seemed to want help, yet you turned on me and threw me to the wolves. Give me a reason why I would want to help you. I was tortured! Fuck! Who goes through that? I will tell you; someone who loves you with all her heart and soul and sees the beauty and good in you, that's who. I respect and care about you. You don't need to love me, but for God's sake, show me a little respect and allow me some dignity, but you just threw me under the bus. That is nasty and cowardly. I did not start this thing, your evil partner did, with your help.

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