Tuesday, July 14, 2020

All I did this entire time was to worry about you and beg people in authority to keep you safe. Has my life for 5 years meant nothing? Why hurt me? That cruel monster ridiculed you. She looks at you and sees money. She hurts people for fun. I look at you and my heart melts. I have held only love for you. I was so excited it was over so I could hear your voice again. If it has all been a joke on me, then I just want to die. But why? My prayers each night were sometimes all I had to stay living. They always were about keeping you safe. That time you sounded scared, it frightened the Hell out of me. I promised that I would always keep you safe. You said you missed my voice when I said I missed yours. I guess it was never real, or just faded away. I don't know what to think. I want to see you again and hug you, even if it is only for the last time. I will never feel about anyone again, the way I feel about you. You are the last love of my life, you beautiful, beautiful person.

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